“The Lofti team is keen on building an experience that aligns to the needs and wants of your team, as well as the larger organization. As a leader, I often heard my team say “we want to focus on self care” but they, as well as myself, weren’t sure what that looked like or where to start. I was able to lean on Lofti to help create tangible, meaningful moments for my team that didn't require a heavy lift or large time commitment.”

— Betsy Leonhardt, Senior Director

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Karianne Michelle

“It’s amazing how much easier it is to write about your personal brand when you combine meditation and think about it in a more mindful way.”

— Richard Ruvin, CEO

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Karianne Michelle

“I was blown about by Team Lofti’s workshop at our annual conference. Their mindfully crafted session, materials and facilitation offered a clear actionable takeaway providing immediate value to our participants, and we plan to model future workshop sessions based on their approach.”

— Jeana Anderson Cohen, Founder/CEO

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Karianne Michelle